Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trivia Tuesdays - Vol IV

You know the drill by now...

1 - What movie is this?

2 - Who Am I?

3 - What is the name of the penguin?

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

1. the first one is manequin!!!

Career Girl Network Marcy said...

1. Mannequin
2. Andre Agassi
3. Hugsy

Anonymous said...

Yep, Mannequin, not a bad movie, Andre Agassi, didn't really watch friends so don't care about a damn penguin. But what mcg above said!

allison @ designing woman said...

mannequin and andre agassi at his hottest! didn't know the penguin's name but i should have because i was a friends freak!

been away from your blog for a while, but i'm trying to get back in the swing of things!