Friday, April 23, 2010

Out With The Old And In With The New.

If you haven't noticed already I've made some big changes to the bloggity-blog. 

I've been writing Who Is Mich? (WIM) for about a year and a half now and ALOT has gone down. A lot of things that are amazingly wonderful like meeting fantastic new friends (in person and over the internet) and yet there are a lot of things that happened over the last year and a half that I would like to forget. 

Okay... maybe not forget, I mean they were life lessons and all but things that I don't necessarily need reminders of. 

As part of the changes to WIM I will be deleting all old posts over the next few days. So if there is anything you wanted to re-read one more time (or 10... whatevs! There are definitely some juicy stories on here) this will be your last chance. 

Its time to move on to the next chapter. 

(ps - I'm still tweaking and altering the new layout so expect a few more changes over the next few weeks until I get it just the way I want it) 


Leah said...

I'm loving the new layout, Mich!

As I've said to you many times, I'm so glad I've gotten to get to know you as a friend! I'm very, VERY supportive of the idea of putting the past behind you - it's one of the most important things we need to do as adults, in my very humble opinion.

I can't wait to see the rest of the changes and to read more of your posts. I've missed them!

Julie said...

Good for you with making a NEW start! :) Sometimes taking away the reminders of the old will help with just that.

Have to say -- loving the white at the moment. It makes things look so clean, fresh.

Welcome back - can't wait to see what's in store for Mich!

ÄsK AliCë said...

Great idea - every once in a while we need to clear our brains... (blogs...closets...)

Looks great

Chele76 said...

love the new layout and attitude. Good for moving on and up in life. Just wanted to throw this out there - maybe there is a way to hide them away? I have a fellow bloggie friend who did the same and now deeply regrets it a few years later. She wanted a reminder of how far shes grown and come along. Just my two cents :)