Wednesday, June 1, 2011


A high school reunion should be something one would look forward to. Especially someone like me who had a great high school experience. I had tons of friends, I didn't have any traumatizing experiences (except "Kelly's party" at the end of Grade 11... we don't need to go there). I actually had an amazing time through out my high school years.

But I have zero interest in going to my 10 year reunion this month.

I feel that Facebook has changed the whole point of a reunion. Anyone that I cared to find out how their lives are or what they are up to, I'm already friends with on Facebook. I can look them up at any given time. There's no questions anymore of "I wonder if so-and-so is married or has kids" or "I heard what-his-name moved to Morocco, is that true??". It's all on Facebook for the world (or your friends) to see.

Maybe the real reason I don't want to go is because I have grown up. And by growing up I mean I grew OUT of those so called friends I had in high school. You know... the ones you said you would stay in contact with "forever!!" and haven't seen since the day you graduated. Or maybe you stayed in contact with them, and eventually became roommates which eventually led to the biggest fight/end of a friendship you have ever known and you are still not completely over it because it took your whole life as you knew it and threw it into a whirlwind of chaos and heartbreak and you know that SHE is gonna be there and put on a show of how *perfect* her life is and you will just feel awkward the whole time and probably leave just hating her even more...


No matter what the actual reason is, I just don't feel like going. My best friend is trying to convince me to go with her saying that I might regret not going in the long run.

Thoughts? Did you go to your reunion? Or if its coming up soon, will you?


Carmen said...

I didn't go to mine, and don't regret a thing. I still don't like the same people I didn't like in high school, and still speak with the ones I did. I didn't need the inbred popular crowd organizing an event that would just annoy me to remind me of that fact.

slightlydrunk said...

Yeah, I agree with you on this. I never bothered going back to mine either - felt it a complete waste of my time & have never regretted it.

There are a few folks I know that went, the one's that are living in the past perhaps (they call it nostalgic!) but I personally had no desire to dress up, drive to a stinky old gymnasium, engage in small talk with people I hate & listen to them lie about their lives and all while ten year old music played in the background.

I think that night I had something better to do anyway, like go to a happy hour!

Amy said...

I didn't go to mine and my husband didn't go to his. You're right about Facebook. In fact the girls who were supposed to be organizing it called it off TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT because "everyone's been in touch on Facebook anyway" (translation: we're too busy with our new babies to bother setting anything up) so ours ended up being a few people going to the tavern in our town. No thaaaanks :)

Sid said...

I didn't go to mine. Don't regret it. I'm still friends with one of my besties. Everyone else. They just don't get ME now. They have kids and marriages. My achievements are soooo completely different. I just feel awkward spending time with those ppl.

Unknown said...

Hmm interesting debate - I will have my 10 yr reunion in a couple of years and I think I would like to go because it would be fun to see what people look like and how they have changed, reminisce, etc. But I can see why you wouldn't want to go, that nowadays with facebook, etc, we generally know what many of the people are up to anyway. That being said, I only know what a small number of them are up to now, plus even if I have them on facebook doesn't mean I ever talk to them! Besides online is great but it doesnt compare to face to face communication - you can only get a small slice of someone's life and how they have changed from a fb profile. I do think reunions are overrated in a way but will probably still go to mine just for the fun of it.

Kerrie said...

Mine was supposed to be this summer as well, it got canceled due to people complaining their kids couldn't go.... There are a few people I keep in touch with but other than that you are right Facebook fills in the gaps. My mom told me that both her and my dad's 10yr reunions everyone acted like they were still in high school but the 25yr it seemed like everyone grew up. Enjoy your life now!

Mandy said...

I agree with all of your thoughts. I had no desire to go to my ten year reunion and I was 100% ok with that. Eventually I think it was cancelled because of lack of interest. I wouldn't have regretted not going though. Like you, I feel like I grew up and out of most of those "friends."

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Facebook has ruined reunions. I also feel that I'm over HS, why do I want to reminisce? Then again, I might miss out something unexpectedly fun. I guess it all boils down to where my reunion next year will be, and how much it costs. Haha!

Terra said...

I agree that facebook has replaced my desire to go to a high school reunion. I already know who has kids, who married who, who lost lots of weight, who gained a lot of weight. A little facebook time is all it takes to fill in the lives of my classmates. That said, if I could go with the very few friends I still talk to from high school, I might still consider going, just because.

Angela Tolsma said...

I will go to my high school reunion. But it's mostly fore revenge. Which I hope I will grow out of it. Why go to something that's gonna cause you stress? If they are all on your FB (the ones you still like) do a private party get together or something while they are all still in town